Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 8, 2010 Lecture

Topic: Abandonment, Dismemberment and Reawakening: The History and Legacy of Howard University

The lecture this week was giving by Dr. Georgia M. Dunston. She's from the Microbiology Department and she specializes in the Human Genome. Although Dr. Dunston never made it passed her introduction, I learned alot of insightful information that applied biology to our everyday lives. Dr. Dunston used information from the Human Genome Project and related it to the black community. She begins the lecture by stating that our genome holds knowledge. The knowledge that she's speaking about applies not only to our family's roots but also to the ancestral roots of mankind. According to Dr. Dunston, mankind's roots were founded in Africa, the motherland. Africa is known to the be the motherland of African-Americans but it is also the motherland of every race, because life itself began in Africa.

She also discussed that the human genome holds energy. Its the disturbance in this energy that tells us what we are meant to be. The thing that disturbs your inner peace is what your predestined to change. For example, the human condition disturbs my peace. I often find myself wishing that I could save humanity all by myself.

I enjoyed the lecture. Dr. Dunston said that we are all living our ancestor's dreams'. That statement really touched me because all my life I have been striving to be successful in life because I didnt want the death of my ancestors and their life long fight for our right's to be in vain.

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